Monday 27 May 2013


Whenever Moses wanted some intimate conversation with the Lord, he went up to the tent of meeting. In that quiet place, away from the clamour of the camp of the Israelites, they spoke face to face, just like two friends.
       We all need a place where we can go to get close to God. Jesus often withdrew to a mountain to pray (Luke 5:16 & Luke 6:12) and in teaching about how to commune with God he said, "when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father ..." (Mathew 6:6)
  In our quiet place we can focus our attention totally on God. "Enter the secret place, and right in the center you'll find God, " -wrote Oswald Chambers. When we live in that secret place, then it becomes impossible for us to doubt God.
In Moses' secret place, he was able to tell the Lord about his concerns and receive the faith & courage he needed to lead the unfaithful people. Sometimes the Israelites were amazed at how long Moses spent in communion with God, but Moses wanted to know God so that he could obey him. The people of Israel got to see God's mighty acts, but because he spent time alone with God, Moses got to know God's ways. Where do you go to be alone with God?
Have you developed a friendship with God? I pray today that your relationship with God will begin to take a fruit bearing turn IJN. Amen.
-Olu Akpata (Zûr)