Tuesday 18 February 2014


"NOT ALL WHO WANDER ARE LOST, " says the sticker on the back of a Volkswagen bus. Such is the tale of the ancient nation of Israel. God miraculously released the Israelites from slavery and provided a land for them to live in. Yet on the eve of their entrance into the promised land, they panicked at the tales of giant inhabitants awaiting them. Because of their fearful unbelief, God did not let them enter the land. Instead, he led them to wander around for 40 years in the wilderness. They knew exactly where they were, but they had to wander anyway.
The same thing happens to us if we reject what God has told us to do. Sometimes he will put our lives on hold until we relent and follow his ways. But God has a heart to retrieve those who are lost and wandering. He comes after us even if we can't find our way home.
I rebuke and pray against every type of wandering in our lives IJN. I also ask of thee oh Jehovah God that: you not only perfect our ways, but strengthen us to bring back those who wander from following you through Jesus Christ your son. Amen