Monday, 27 February 2012


Who am i?
Celina was rugged not only in her appearance but also in her whole being. Nothing about her expressed womanhood, least of all the clothes she wore. Layers of self protection kept both men and women far away.
         Celina had lost her desire to be a woman and to be intimate years before when her uncle had sexually abused her. She had numbed her body from the experience, but she had also decided to run away from womanhood, Celina viewed herself as an object- and only occasionally, on a good day as a person.
         We develop our sexual identity through healthy interaction in a variety of relationships (parents, brothers & sisters, teachers and other authority figures) as we grow up. These people help to nurture and affirm us in our process of sexual development. If the people we trust consistently neglect, shame or violate us, our sexuality may be seriously and significantly damaged, hence our sexual development have been interrupted, confused and often times distorted.
  God desires to remove his people’s sense of shame, his heart is broken over people whose sexual identity has been thwarted, if we’ll allow him, he will not only fix us, he’ll also heal the wounds that kept us from accepting our femininity or masculinity. He will restore our self-worth and confidence as we look to him for affirmation and love.
  Are you struggling with your sexual identity or any form of identification? Tell your creator who knows you too well about the pain & shame that you face daily. Pray with the whole of psalm 139, remember that God loves you unconditionally and longs for you to experience sexual wholeness.
    For many more motivational topics like this visit my blog @: or
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Wednesday, 9 November 2011


At four years old, Cindy loved to draw. One day her teacher gave her design to copy. The eager student asked if she could make her own design. When the teacher said no, something died within her. Now, many years later, when she talks about that moment, she still fights back tears.
           When God blessed Noah’s family, he emphasized the fact that humans have great value because they are created in his own very image.
God’s creativity found its ultimate expression when he “sculptured” living creatures in his own likeness. As such, man & woman could also be imaginative and creative.
             Every person is made in the image of our creative God. Therefore, everyone has the ability to be creative. There are no exceptions!
When we develop our God-given creative potential, we honor the one who gave it to us.
     Were your creative abilities stifled? Perhaps you think that creativity belongs only to a gifted few. Guys please, try to deal with whatever disappointment or resentment you may have encountered in your formative years & consider ways to develop and express the creative potential God has placed within you. It is not too late to begin!
          For many more motivational topics like this visit my blog @: or
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