Thursday 28 February 2013


God could easily impose his will on the world, but it's not his character to rule us with an iron fist. He would rather have us:  love and obey him by our own choice.  He also wants us to be in partnership with him through prayer to change situations that are contrary to his will.  This outward, selfless kind of prayer is called  INTERCESSION.  Intercessors seek God's help on behalf of individuals, cities & nations.
        The faithful prayers of one Godly person can change the destiny of a whole nation.
In 1 Samuel 7:5-9, the people of Israel were facing an enemy invasion and pleaded with the prophet Samuel to intercede before the lord for them. Samuel said he would only do so if they would stop worshipping idols and repent of their sins. When they did,  Samuel cried unto God on their behalf, and the Lord saved them from their enemies.
Let us identify something outside of our own situation today:  for which we would like to intercede. Let's ask God to show us specific ways to pray.

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