Wednesday 17 July 2013


Friendship should be a natural component of love. Yet,it's shocking the number of married couples who are lovers but not friends.
    To be your spouse's friend requires an openness and familiarity that some aren't willing to risk. Those who open their hearts to one another in this way find a special treasure.
  The late author Tom Marshall wrote, "One of my most wonderful memories is the day my wife said to me, 'Do you know that you are my best friend? ' It is wonderful because i can think of the early years of our married life when she could not & would not have said that of me. It took me far longer than it should have to learn that besides a husband and a lover and a provider, my wife also needed me to be her friend. Tom Marshall had this verse from the song of songs written on her wife's grave stone: 'THIS IS MY BELOVED AND THIS IS MY FRIEND '"
   Consider your relationships with those you love the most, particularly spouse or family members. Are there steps you can take to become a better friend to your spouse?
I pray this day, that each and everyone of us Will get to that level where we can confidently say "WE ARE FRIENDS WITH OUR SPOUSES " IJN. Amen.

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