Thursday 6 October 2011


God is a fabulous communicator! he has never been silent, he speaks to us through every-thing in his creation.Evidence of him can be heard, seen, felt and even tasted.(amazingly awesome isn't he?).
                                  He uses the sun-rise to declare his faithfulness; a mother's touch to show his gentleness; and the fruits of the earth to reveal his sweetness & generosity.
      Psalm 19 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God.....Day after day they pour forth speech. "We only have to open our eyes to see his fingerprints on the heaves and earth.
       Now check this out!
                                        How could so many things in nature, working together in such perfect rhythm, collective harmony, orchestral symphony & in absolute unity,be anything  but the creation an awesome cool* God?.(like the young ones say these days,"cool")
   That is why the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:20. "For since the creation of the world God's in-visible qualities---his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
    Those who haven't found proof of God from his creation simply aren't looking.
how has God spoken to you through his creation? get insights now from his words. Psalm 8;104; 148; Mathew 16:2-3.
     Get reading & stay blessed

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