Thursday 6 October 2011


HOW BIG is God? This question is more than an abstract theological consideration.
It is a real response to life's difficult challenges .
   When we are feeling down,we might wonder if God is big enough to care about" little old me" or if he is big enough to solve a current crisis.
        Well, he certainly does care, and he is all-powerful!The scripture gives us a glimpse of his greatness.but the more we meditate on these truths about the nature & character of the almighty,the more faith we will have to face the struggles of life. Leaders like Joshua,David and Nehemiah overcome huge obstacles by focusing on God's greatness rather than on their own weakness. Focusing on our own weaknesses depresses us and further weakens us the more but when we solely focus on Gods greatness and might, it elevates us to heights we never thought we could attain.
                          Of course, we can never know all there is to know about this great God we serve. he is infinite--without beginning or end.But as big as he is, he still cares about the seemingly insignificant details of our daily lives.
   Read through these psalms to discover more of God's characters: psalms, 17:7-9; 25:6-9; 57:9-11;  66:3-4; 69:13-18; 77:12-15; 86:10.
 What does these truths about God mean to your life?. start reading and find out!!!!!!
                                                                                       stay blessed

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