Sunday 7 April 2013


Have you ever had a sense of companionship with the devine source of your being? A source that not only knows you intimately but also cares for you as well.
    Jesus spoke about God as father not to perpetuate the image of a patriarchal power chain so much as to imply a birthing from, a presence of nurturing and intense watchfulness, a deep pride of creation. An immutable connection. Love.
       As much as i appreciate the power we each have within ourselves to create our destinies, i cannot escape the notion that above us hovers a benevolent, all knowing, and intensely kind-full presence ..... a personality of good.
I cannot be comfortable by the thought of some vast neutral overseer that regards me as merely a speck of light on a diamond-studded ocean, nor will i put my hopes, faith and trust in a god who doesn't talk back to me. As much as i desire & cherish my freedom and  pride myself in being an independent soul, capable to stretch my wings, i still want to know that someone is watching and cares about every move i make. I want a God who knows my middle name.
Jesus had this sense of life. In fact, if you looked at what drove him-especially on his darker days-it was his desire to please his father .....a desire to return to this very intense and personal embrace again. God invites us to join the movement, the swaying, the feeling of being in harmony with something larger than ourselves.
  "It is a rare group that can stand linked arm in arm in a circle & not begin to sway. "
  Author Lewis Thomas in his book "THE LIVES OF A CELL" informs us that all of earlier is continually humming ....... that even earthworms make drumming sounds, and termites hit a staccato note that no one can find reason for even after years of observation.
Jesus head the humming, too. He said the rocks and the trees can sing-that they will do so & have been. All of this for one simple reason: "WE ARE NOT ALONE"
Jesus knew he was not alone & we should as Christians too, know that we are not alone!
Olu Akpata (Zûr).

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