Tuesday 30 April 2013


Isiah was terrified. Smoke began to swirl around the trembling pillars, the floor beneath him shook. God's presence filled the temple. Suddenly voices rang out: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty ....." (Isiah 6:1-8)
   Whenever Scripture gives us a glimpse of the worship in heaven, multitude are praising God's holiness. Why? To be holy means to be set apart, to be different from all the rest. Pick any attribute of God. Take love for example. No one loves like our God. No one is as just, or as kind, or as righteous, or as powerful. God is beyond comparison. He is without any flaw that would weaken any aspect of his character.
The beings that Isiah saw are awestruck in the presence of this God. In essence, they were saying to God, "You're incredible! There is no one and nothing like you! "
What a magnificent God! What a wonder that this holy God chooses to dwell in us (1Corinthians 3:16-17).
Because he does, he asks us to set ourselves apart from sin. His very being is incompatible will evil.
So let's determine to keep our "temple" in order for our God.
Take time to think about who God is -and worship him, remember that he is on your side. Draw strength from him & resist evil today!
Olu Akpata (Zûr)

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