Friday 15 March 2013


Jesus had returned to teach in his hometown of Nazareth, but this was no "welcome home" party. He longed to bless the people & yo preach the good news. But they took offense at one of their own, a carpenter, appearing with disciples and a message from God. Jesus would gladly have reached out with miraculous power to those who needed his healing touch but he could not. Certainly there was no lack of power or love on jesus' part, but the unbelief of the people held back the power of God.
      One of the greatest hindrances to the  holy spirit functioning in power today is unbelief--those situations where individuals, families, churches, towns, nations and cultures reject God's purpose for themselves and doubt the word of God. In such an atmosphere, the fire of the holy spirit is put out. Conversely, in the atmosphere of faith, miracles can & still do happen!
  Think about some situation in your life where you lack faith. Ask Jehovah to forgive your unbelief and help you to take steps of faith.
Olu Akpata (Zûr)

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