Friday 15 March 2013


God's throne is established on justice and righteousness (Psalm89:14). He hates injustice, and he's called us to intercede in prayer as the way to break the chains of injustice. Whether we're praying for impoverished families in the US, political prisoners in Asia, xenophobic, rape & abused women in south Africa or oppressed Christians in nations where the Bible is banned, we are agreeing with God'swill when we pray for justice.
  In 1982, children in a Christian school in southern California were learning how to pray for nations in turmoil. They began by praying for the release of Lech Walesa, the imprisoned of Poland's solidarity trade union.
Thousands of people worldwide were also praying for Walesa, who was eventually freed by Communist authorities and went on to become president of Poland in the nations first Democratic elections. Needless to say that, a similar case was that of Madiba (Nelson Mandela) in South Africa in 1994. Those southern California  children and all the children of Africa as well, saw that their prayers can make a direct difference in the  history of a nation.
        Praying against injustice takes persistence -it may take months or even years before we see a breakthrough. But Jehovah is faithful. He always brings justice to those who cry out to him
What area of injustice can you respond against in your prayer?
Olu Akpata(Zûr)

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