Thursday 7 March 2013


Idolatry today is more subtle and self-deceptive than in Jeremiah's time. Our "god " can be a friend, our self-image, our home or even our work for God. Whenever we constantly obey a need instead of God's spirit, we create an idol.
   Because we depend so often on our idols for security and comfort, our hearts don't easily give them up. Emotions like fear, envy,  jealousy and the like are often indicators that an idol in our hearts  is being threatened.
              A senior colleague of mine offered  these questions at a workshop to help us identify personal idols. I find them very rewarding if, they're sincerely applied:
* Who am i trying to please?
* What needs am i trying to meet?
* What insecurities do i pamper?
* What rewards am i seeking?
* What fears am i fleeing?
* With whom do i compete?
* What guilt am i covering?
* When is there enough?
     The holy spirit is eager to expose and free us from idolatry and self-deception. We simply need to be willing. Let us invite the holy spirit to expose any idol in our hearts as we honestly answer the questions posed above.
  Don't be afraid!  He wants to set us free!

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