Wednesday 6 March 2013


Many of us subconsciously believe,"God could never use us". We let this chorus play over & over in our minds as we consider ourselves either too young or too old, not educated enough or otherwise unsuitable for God's purposes. But the truth is this: God can do anything, and he can do anything through us!
  In Israel's early history, the anointing for ministry was given to specific individuals like Saul. But the lord said the time was coming when he would "pour out (his) spirit on all people" (Joel 2:28).
That time is now. It began on the day of Pentecost when God fulfilled this prophecy by pouring out his spirit on all who awaited him.
The crowd was amazed that God could use Galileans, men and women with little education or prestige. Peter commented: "This is what was spoken by prophet Joel " (Acts 2:16). The reality of the outpoured spirit still continues; we all can be filled with God's spirit.
Ask God for a great infilling of the holy spirit today! No ceremonies, no qualifications, no written examinations, just kneel down before him & ask in a simple conversation.
-Olu Akpata (Zûr)

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