Wednesday 11 September 2013


Who are we? Why are we here? Most people spend the better part of their existence wondering what their ultimate purpose in life is. Peter gives us rich answers to these foundational questions. He declares who we are: We are chosen, belonging to God himself. God has declared that we are holy &, as his children, we are royalty. Peter also answers why we are here. We are commissioned to declare the Lord's praises to the world, telling of his goodness.
  Some people disqualify themselves from their God-given ministry because they think that the call to praise God implies the need for gifting in music. This is simply not true. We can praise God in many  ways besides musically. We can tell others about his goodness. We can worship God through the arts: dance, painting, poetry and the like. We can serve him through our act of kindness, compassion & generosity. We can honour him by our sacrificial obedience, choosing to praise him through striving for excellence in our God-given tasks.
Our purpose is to praise the King of kings and make him known. If this is our desire, he'll surely show us how
Let's praise him!
~Olu Akpata(Zûr)

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