Sunday 8 September 2013


My friend (the young priest) knew he was taking a chance on Mike. He'd been taken advantage of by other street-smart drifters, but his heart wouldn't give up on this one. He took Mike in & showed him God's way out of alcoholism, drugs and perpetual lack. Today that seed of kindness has multiplied beyond his dreams. With help from the church, Mike began a ministry to help other homeless people, and thousands have been fed and cared for as a result.
Growth in the kingdom of God comes through sowing and reaping such as described above. Like good farmers, we are planting seeds of Faith every time we invest our time or money in an individual, a ministry or a business venture. Ultimately, only Jehovah knows what will happen to each seed. He determines the timing & the size of the harvest.
In what ways are you sowing into the kingdom of God?
I pray this day that the Almighty will bless all of us with a generous heart, such that will enable us to sow more into his kingdom IJN. Amen. Olu Akpata(Zûr)

1 comment:

  1. helping others brings a certain joy that only those who constantly help others can understand.
