Thursday 5 September 2013


"People who manage resources well soon get more resources to manage".
This is so profound!
Come friends let's dissect this.
Let us consider Joseph, a slave in a foreign land who rose to greatness by faithfully handling his master's resources. His wise stewardship blessed Potiphar's house, and he was steadily given more authority, more freedom and a closer relationship with the master. (Genesis 39:2-6)
    Joseph's role as a steward parallels the financial stewardship role God has given us. We are his servants, and he's entrusted us with a portion of his wealth to manage. How faithful we are with those resources is one way God measures how much authority and responsibility he can give to us. In Mathew 25:21, a special bond develops between the master and his faithful servant, who is invited to "share your master's happiness!" We also can share in the Lord's joy by being faithful with whatever money, property or other resources he's entrusted to us.
Think about the things God has entrusted to your care. What could you do to manage his resources more wisely? Let us pray and ask for direction & guidance today IJN. Amen.
Olu Akpata(Zûr)

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