Monday 2 September 2013


Eric was an eager student of Biblical prophecy. He read each new book on the topic and scanned the news headlines for signs of the Lord's impending return. It seemed God was bringing history to conclusion.
Then one day the words from Mathew 24:14 seemed to leap out at Eric. "And then the end will come".When? When the gospel has been preached to all nations. Eric knew from his pastor's teaching that "nations" meant "ethnic groups" Could it be that Eric himself could influence the timing of the Lord's return? Did it depend to some extent on the obedience of God's people, people like himself, to carry the "gospel of the kingdom" to all the ethnic groups who had not yet heard the good news?
Eric's life was never the same after that day.  He began praying with a new fire for the missionaries of his church, he increased his financial giving to the work of missions. After a time he sensed God's call to go himself. Today he works in a mission, mobilizing & training young people to go and proclaim the gospel to people who have not yet heard about Jesus. As one who loves the Lord's return, he is doing his part to "speed its return"
  In what ways does your view of the Lord's return influence how you live?  What are you doing to share the gospel with those around you?
~Olu Akpata (Zûr)
www.prayerlinez.blogspot. com

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