Sunday 1 September 2013


The marketplace is a spiritual battleground. God intends it to serve the purposes of his kingdom to bless the nations. On the other side, satan is competing to control it for his evil purposes. Through unrighteous trade he seeks to dominate not only individuals & businesses, but also politics, media, education, and even churches and families.
One way satan controls people is through their lust for money. When we think of greed we may think rich, miserly people or the directors of exploitative, multinational corporations. However, greed can be just as prevalent among the ones who have the least. In Asia, this lust for money leads parents to break their infants' legs so that they can use these children as beggars, similar horrible stories of a day old mothers parading their freshly born children for alms and handouts has emerged from the Western part of Africa where i hail from. In America, kids kill other youths just to get their expensive athletic shoes.
The best way to break this spirit of greed is by responding in the opposite spirit ――GENEROSITY *
I fervently pray this day that: God in his infinite kindness & splendour will enrich everyone of us with that much needed spirit of generosity IJN. Amen.
Olu Akpata(Zûr)

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